You Need A Word
Very often after "giving it your all," you can end up totally drained. He prayed that he might die. (1 Kings 19:4)
See here, God used Elijah on Mt. Carmel to call down fire from heaven on the prophets of Baal. Yet Elijah fell apart under Jezebel’s threats. He was Fleeing for his life, he “sat down under a broom tree… and said, ‘It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life.’”
The moment his focus changed from God to the enemy (the circumstances), he became overwhelmed. The Lord had to speak to him again. But this time it was not in a spectacular display. Instead, He spoke in a “still small voice” (v. 12 NKJV), drawing him aside to rest and spend time with God. The next time the nation saw Elijah he was spiritually on top again.
So answer this: has your focus shifted from God to all the “stuff you have to do”? If so, you need time out, time alone with God. When He calls you aside to rest. The twofold danger in the aftermath of any success is:
(1) Spending too much time listening to the praises of others;
(2) Presuming you have what it takes to succeed on your own.
As a result you disconnect from God, Who is the source of your strength. David said, “The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Ps 27:1)
Fearlessness is foolishness, unless it’s based on faith in God.
And one more thought: God sent Elisha to assist Elijah, and he can send the right person to help you too. He knows what to do to get you moving again.
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