Based in North West of India, in a tiny costal city called Jamnagar, this ministry was started on January the 7th 2001 by Rev Sam Maloney and his wife Debby Maloney.
Rev. Sam Maloney is a graduate of Southern Asia Bible College. During his sophomore days in the Bible College, he promised the Lord that he would go to any place in North of India where HE wants him to. After his graduation in the year 1996, he worked under his pastor, mentor, Rev. Norman Bhasker at Trichy City Assembly of God Church.
But it was the year 1999, January the 23rd became a watershed date in the life of the Maloneys. When he heard about the martyrdom of the Australian missionary Dr. Graham Stuart Staines along with his two sons Philip (aged 10) and Timothy (aged 6) were burnt to death by a gang while sleeping in his station wagon at Manoharpur village in Keonjhar district in Orissa, the Lord disturbed his comfort zone. Without any reservation, he decided to the clarion call of the Lord and moved to Jamnagar, Gujarat. He says, `when I came to Jamnagar, I had nothing much in my reserve except the confidence of being in His will and the clarity of His call and my obedience to it.’ Very early in his ministry, the one thought that constantly nudged at his heart was to bring the entire state into the commonwealth of Christ.
The Lord helped him initiate this at two levels. One was to reach out to the lost outside through evangelism and to nurture the saints of God inside the church through proper training. The Kingdom of God has taken the inroads of Gujarat through two ways. The Power encounter- Jesus said, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me to set the captive free or Azaadi, Luke 4:18) The truth encounter- Jesus also said, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free or Azaadi, John 8:32). The sick were healed, demons cast out and the sinners turned to the resurrected Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. People were added to the Church and that’s how the Azaadi Assembly of God was born.
Rev. Sam Maloney insists on 5 “P”s - POWER, PRAYER, PREACHING, PRAISE and remembering the POOR. Today Azaadi Assembly of God church has been the mother to more than 186 churches around Gujarat. The vision of Azaadi Assembly of God church is that each church serves as a training centre and to reach out all the Taluks (252 Blocks) of Gujarat.
Rev. Sam Maloney is currently serving as the superintendent of West Coast District Council of the Assemblies of God of North India, also he is the mission director for the Assemblies of God of North India. (AGNI)
1. Glorify God through WORSHIP:
a. Congregational Worship: should engage worshippers in a life-changing response of praise and adoration to God.
b. Foundation for Worship: must flow directly from God’s Word (2 Tim. 3:16).
c. Leadership for Worship: (worship team) to enhance the process of personal and congregational worship.
d. Style of Worship: to present the unchanging message of Scripture in an ever-changing environment.
2. Glorify God through DISCIPLESHIP/TRAINING (personal growth):
A network of caring people that provide opportunities for children, youth, and adults with the best possible environment for spiritual growth.
a. Biblical Instruction: AZAADI AG Church is concerned with spiritual progress in each person’s life so that they can become pleasing to God in all things; putting faith into action.
b. Discipleship and Fellowship: Cell groups are primary in developing Christian faith and beliefs through practicing prayer, Bible study, and fellowship; everyone should be encouraged to participate in these small cell groups (Heb. 10:24-25) These cell groups to multiply and to become the life line of the local church growth.
c. Christian Service: to apply spiritual gifts so ministry can continue to expand, develop, and grow (Eph. 4:11-16).
3. Glorify God through EVANGELISM: Reaching people both individually and collectively.
a. Lifestyle Evangelism is Critical: to cultivate friendships with unbelievers in which the love of Jesus can be demonstrated and the Gospel shared.
b. Collectively (together): providing a style of worship, mid-week ministries, and visitation that is attractive and caring.
c. Azaadi AG will always be committed to spreading the Gospel throughout Gujarat and around India as we support missionaries in our ministries.
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