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The Lord First

In the beginning God… (Genesis 1:1)

Keeping the Lord first in the beginning of the year 2023 in all things and telling Him that you can’t take a step without Him makes the journey easier.

You connect Heaven to earth. You become the translator to God. You do not have any surprises in life. You experience things that you have already heard Him say to you. “Whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise.” John 5:19

Jesus acted as a translator. He got His message from the Father, and then translated it to those around Him. He heard a voice others were missing. And because He could hear it, He acted differently. Remember when everyone was troubled about the blind man? Jesus was not. Somehow He knew that this situation would reveal God’s power. (John 9:3) Remember when everyone was distraught about Lazarus’ illness? Jesus was not. Rather than hurry to His friend’s bedside, He said, “This sickness will not end in death… it is for God’s glory”. (John 11:4) How could a relationship be more intimate? Jesus had unbroken communion with His Father. How did He do it? He rose in the predawn hours to pray (Mark 1:35). He communed with His Father through the night while others slept. Before He could make a major decision of picking up the 12 disciples, again the previous night, He spent time to hear His choice. (Luke 6:12, 13) He turned from the incessant demands and expectations of others to be sure that His agenda lined up with God’s agenda.

Is prayer a priority of your everyday walk with Christ, or do you tend to pray only when difficult circumstances arise? Corrie ten Boom asks, “Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”